Jun 25Liked by Beth Spencer

Great read, thanks Beth, loving your Substack. The nuclear debate is interesting and I think is a bit more nuanced at least outside Australia. In colder climates particularly it can be a viable way to reduce carbon emissions but in Australia our renewable resources are so vast nuclear will never be viable. Nothing like latching on to arguments used in other countries for Dutton to advance his cause. I think Paul Keating is right on this - it’s just a Trojan horse for the fossil fuel industry to squeeze a few more years out of the transition. As always, vested interests dictate Tory policy. As the Donald would say: ‘sad’

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Thanks so much Peter! And yes you may be right about overseas but here it is most definitely unnecessary and a play to destabilise investment in renewables and keep the field open for the gas and coal corporations to extract the last possible tax-subsidised drop. As well as just the kind of nasty wedge politics Dutton and his cronies love. They pretty much own the mass media now, so that is truly frightening.

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