Hi Beth. I watched it while eating a bowl of soup for dinner in front of my computer. I loved the mix of the personal and the political. I'm more a reader than a listener/ watcher but it worked perfectly; and made me think what would I write about my teenage years. I'm three years younger than you and remember hearing the news that 'Whitlam's been sacked!' while walking from my private girls school to the station in a crowd of my schoolfriends; one of whom was very excited and pleased about the news. I remember being very conflicted - I knew my father who had voted Labor for the only time in his life in 1972 was going to be equally as pleased as my friend Roslyn but personally - it just didn't seem right.

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So glad you enjoyed it Janet! And yes, what a time. I know that in those few years my wages for working in a milk bar over the holidays doubled - from $28 per week for 5 days + Friday nights or Sat mornings, to $60. So I know a lot of small business owners got a shock when they had to start paying women decent wages, and thus changed their minds about Whitlam. And of course Murdoch turned against him when he realised he couldn't be bought. Interesting those little niggles we have when those all around us are glad about something and we just aren't quite sure that it's right. Thanks for your years in the Senate , and years of activism, and best wishes for whatever comes next.

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Witty, brilliant - loved this reading. Arch but not-arch. Just as it was. Tried to Share on FB (I wish others would see and hear) but it will not take. Thanks Beth.

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oh thank you! Wasn't sure if anyone would click and watch it. I've just shared it to FB so you can repost from my post if you like. Hopefully that will work. ♥️

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